Thursday, February 20, 2014

Blog Gal // Chelsea - Little Lessons in a Big City

It is Blog Gal time again! I am constantly inspired by my fellow bloggers and I want to share the ones I've found to be tops.  There are so many more out there and it is tough to narrow down but I'll do my best.

I came to know this month's featured blogger because she consistently crashes Chicago twitter chats!  I would like to introduce you to Chelsea.  She writes Little Lessons in a Big City and I love her DIY projects, her life lately updates, and her Monday Motivation posts.

What is your favorite thing about blogging? It takes me out of my comfort zone and opens doors I didn't even know existed; from meeting new people, to trying new things for the blog (DIY projects, recipes, and etc), and being my creative outlet.

How long have you been blogging? I began my blog in October 2010, the same week I decided to move to New York City. It started as a way to share with family & friends what I was up to 1,000 miles away. And grew into much more.

NY or LA? NY!!! I'd take the subway over the traffic on the 405 any day. 

Twitter or Facebook? #twitter

Magazines or Books at the beach? books at the beach; the absolute best place to catch up on cheesy, romance novels. #NicholasSparks

Favorite Dessert? Anything chocolate & peanut butter: cheesecakes, milkshakes, cupcakes, brownies, truffles! I'm not picky!

If this famous person wasn't so famous and you two could have been under normal circumstances, you'd be BFFs... I want to say Jennifer Lawrence, but that may "too trendy". so I'll go with Lauren Conrad. I love what she's done since the hills; with her fashion lines, blog, and latest start-up [the little market]. she seems fun!

Sitcoms or Reality TV? sadly, reality TV. #GuiltyPleasure

Favorite Take-out? it's a toss up between pizza & chinese. or alcohol?

What one thing is always in your bag? (besides your phone, and wallet). aquaphor; it's my go to lip moisturizer. [especially during the winter].

Be sure to check out Little Lessons in a Big City and follow Chelsea on twitter, instagram, and pinterest too!


I love to hear from you! Leave me a comment here or on Facebook or Tweet me @ebdaily - - - talk soon!

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