101 in 1001

Have you heard of 101 in 1001? It is a really neat program and I am excited to launch my list and visit the page often to link back to posts about my progress.

Start: 5/2/2013
End: 1/27/2016
(my 30th birthday)

 1. Think of 101 things (easier said than done but the lists launched on Daily E & Color Me Styled)
 2. Create a Press Page on both Daily E & Color Me Styled
 3. Cook with Tofu
 4. No complaining for one whole day
 5. Inspire another person to create their list
 6. Travel to Europe
 7. Comission a piece of art
 8. Design an online resume
 9. Pay for a stranger's ride on the CTA (3 times)
10. Research, save up for and purchase a D-SLR Camera
11. Take a hot air balloon ride 
12. Beef up Search Engine Optimization strategies for both blogs 
13. Do a juice cleanse 
14. Visit a chiropractor
15. Consolidate digital music library with Danny's
16. Learn how to create a GIF
17. Start a vitamin regimen
18. Attend Lucky FABB / Alt Sumit / Blogshop
19. Design / Decorate a space that isn't my own
20. Take a trip with my sister, Kelsey
21. Picnic at Jazz in the Park 
22. Publish an e-book 
23. Introduce myself to my neighbors 
24. Get a facial 
25. Develop a social media post plan for both Daily E & Color Me Styled 
26. Have our apartment featured on a major blog or an online magazine
27. Blow dry hair every day for 1 month
28. Travel to 3 new states
29. Buy life insurance
30. Go to the Lincoln Park Zoo
31. Do something with my Instagram pictures
32. Get access to a sewing machine
33. Meet 3 bloggers from different cities (not at a conference)
34. Buy a Burberry coat (either a trench or a quilted number)
35. Throw a surprise party
36. Get out of bed the first time my alarm goes off for 1 week
37. Comment on other blogger's posts at least once a week for 1 month
38. Read my Photoshop Elements for Dummies book
39. Get a plant and keep it alive for at least 3 months
40. Research, save for and buy a new "family" computer
41. Take a cooking class
42. Participate in City Chase 
43. Start a boutique (either online or brick and mortar)
44. Take a CPR / first aid class 
45. Go to a movie by myself 
46. Host a Derby Party (or go to the Derby)
47. Memorize a cookie recipe
48. Run in the Hot Chocolate 15k
49. Get new glasses
50. Learn how to leave reviews for restaurants on Yelp
51. Make a list of 101 things I've already accomplished
52. Host a blogger event
53. Do an handstand & have a picture taken of it 
54. Give up TV for a week 
55. Go on a walking architecture tour of Chicago 
56. Do enough yoga to not be afraid of the bridge pose / back bend

57. Purchase coffee for the person behind me in line
58. Go to a Ballet

59. Play hooky
60. Practice "Meatless Mondays" for 2 months in a row (8 weeks)
61. Call a friend I've lost touch with (1 friend every 6 months)
62. Go to a BYOB Craft Class 
63. Learn to poach an egg 
64. Post a DIY project every month 
65. Relearn Spanish / be conversational (bonus points for using it) 
66. Guest Post on 5 other blogs
67. Take a flower arranging class
68. Earn $50 commission through the blogs 
69. Send at least 25 hand written notes
70. Give up sweets (candy, cookies, pastries) for 1 month
71. Start a dream journal
72. Volunteer at the Chicago Marathon 
73. Purge and organize gmail inboxes 
74. Create an online business card
75. Organize our digital pictures 
76. Stick to my Christmas List budget
77. Get a new job
78. Have boudoir photos taken
79. Send flowers to a friend
80. Create an emergency preparedness plan
81. Go to 6 Flags (ride a rollercoaster that goes upsidedown) 
82. Learn how to use a round brush 
83. Travel to 5 new cities / destinations 
84. Audition for a play 
85. Organize Documents (marriage license, insurance policies & financial info)  
86. Leave a 100% tip
87. Collaborate with a brand I love
88. Learn and be able to use 100 words in French
89. See the lady doctor as regularly as is recommended
90. Score less than 100 on 18 holes of golf
91. Organize my "style sheets" for Daily E and Color Me Styled 
92. Create a video blog post 
93. Learn 100 words in German 
94. Lose 30 pounds & keep it off (goal weight is between 125 and 135 lbs)
95. Join a non-profit's advisory board 
96. Stop picking at my cuticles for 1 week (and hopefully break the bad habit)
97. Go on 4 chicago food tours
98. Create a Recipe page on Color Me Styled
99. Donate $10 for each item not completed by 01/27/16
100. Blog about and link back to each completed item
101. Write a letter to my 40 year-old self


  1. I stumbled upon your blog randomly and just saw your 101 in 1001! I just wrote mine the other day and am super excited to get started on my list! Hope you are having a great weekend!

    Check my list out here: http://thethreadaffect.com/2013/05/17/93-in-930/

  2. Good luck with your list Megan! It is fun to have these goals, both big and small, to work on. This week I'm writing my first post on an accomplished item!

  3. I'm in the process of writing my list now...! I'm planning a major American road trip in October this year so hopefully this will inspire some of my travel plans. Give me a shout if you want to tick off some of your items with a random meet up! x


I love to hear from you! Leave me a comment here or on Facebook or Tweet me @ebdaily - - - talk soon!

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