The CMS Girl

As Color Me Styled hits the blog-o-sphere you might be wondering what makes us different. And, the whole "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" definitely applies because we are a lifestyle blog but we want to bring fresh, approachable and realistic content to you every day.

Our mission is to help you add style and color to your life without a fancy schmancy camera, a degree in design or a trust fund. Because real girls don't always have those things and that doesn't mean their lives can't be colorful and stylish! We have gathered non-professional experts in the fields of hair care, literature and a professional esthetician.

Let's do this together! If you have any questions for our CMS contributors or have a recipe you're interested in trying but don't have the guts... send it our way! 

But let's start by "introducing" ourselves.

The Color Me Styled Girl:

  • doesn't need an occasion to drink champagne
  • believes she is being followed by reality tv cameras
  • waits to see her outfit on page six, or a street style blog
  • knows that if she were in the right place, at the right time, she could have been Lauren Conrad, or Bethenny Frankel or Selena Gomez and also knows that it isn't too late
  • texts pictures of her accessory choices for the evening to her best friend for approval
  • treats a manicure as essential as coffee and chocolate
  • isn't afraid to try anything once
  • would take baths if she had the time to properly clean her bathtub
  • knows she should eat a salad but will wear a loose-fitting top because the three cheese panini tastes better
  • makes lists and includes things she's already completed just to cross them off (make list, check)
  • puts in a full day at work and then comes home and spends 5 hours on facebook, twitter and pinterest
  • would rather have a really good concealer than get enough sleep to fix dark circles.

Can you think of more qualities of the Color Me Styled Girl? 
Tweet them to us @ColorMe_Styled using the hashtag #CMSgirl


  1. I love your description of a CMS girl. I do not fit all of the criteria but can relate to many! Especially the concealer vs. good night sleep. Truth be told, I am a concealer junkie.

    1. Thanks Jodi! The CMS girl is so much more than this discription but I'm glad to hear you're concealer dependent like I am!


I love to hear from you! Leave me a comment here or on Facebook or Tweet me @ebdaily - - - talk soon!

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