Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Home Away From Home

The folks at DogVacay are doing a series called Home Away From Home and I am excited to be a part of it. DogVacay specializes in dog daycare and dog boarding services where pup parents can search for suitable sitters themselves! DogVacay have asked several bloggers to share what makes us feel like home when we are away on vacation or business. Are you surprised that mine is food related?

We often rent homes or condos for our vacations so it isn't too much of a stretch to feel "homey" (unless you can't find something in the kitchen!) but I always have an added sense of comfort when I find the local bakery. To me, home is a freshly baked croissant and a coffee. Bonus points for fresh produce from a local market. 

I love enjoying a vacation croissant and coffee on a deck or patio enjoying the view and listening to the natural sounds around us. A cabin in the woods is my ideal retreat! Well, as long as it has internet too!!

Even on trips to New York City my Dad and I would wake up, leave the hotel, find a bodega and grab breakfast sandwiches for my Mom and Sister and bring coffees back to the room! 

What makes you feel at home when you are away? Do you bring something from home with you?


  1. Love your photo and love the DogVacay option for when we travel! I'll definitely have to check them out!

    1. Yes! I'm sure Paytington would find a DogVacay stay a great option when you two travel!

  2. If I'm going on a road trip, and not flying, I take my 2 goose down pillows from home. I know that, unles the hotel has premium, soft, not firm, pillows, I'll sleep better on my own pillows. I don't want to take a chance. It sounds rather ridiculous, I know, but it makes me feel at home!


I love to hear from you! Leave me a comment here or on Facebook or Tweet me @ebdaily - - - talk soon!

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