Thursday, May 22, 2014

City Gardening with The Garden Apt.

I've tried raising herbs before. Last summer I grew several herbs and they did OK. I tried to bring them in for the winter and they just became twigs.

I can't decide if I am a glutton for punishment or eternally hopeful that my green thumb will prevail but I've planted several herbs, a few vegetables and a strawberry plant this year! I wouldn't have had the guts if Lindsay from The Garden Apt. hadn't come along to help me shop and plant.

We picked up the plants from Whole Foods Lincoln Park and they had a wide selection! I had a few pots left over from last year, Lindsay brought an adorable coffee tin and we up-cycled a beverage tub for the herb planter. One qt of organic soil did the trick for all our planting and we lined the bottom of the pots with river rocks to help with draining.

My herbs are lemon thyme, mojito mint, greek oregano and rosemary. For the first time I've planted lettuce and some red kale. The lettuce should be ready to harvest in a few weeks but the kale will take most of the summer to grow and peak. I've also planted a cherry tomato plant so I'm on the hunt for a small tomato cage or an easy DIY solution. The pencil and twist tie will do for now but not for long!

Finally there is a little strawberry plant. I'm hopeful that she produces delightful little berries! There were also lime and lemon trees available and a wide selection of peppers which I decided to pass on. If this year's garden goes well I'll do them next year! Baby steps.

images via Lindsay of The Garden Apt. and White Oak Creative


  1. I love that you created a little garden without having a backyard. It makes me hopeful for my current situation :)

    26 and Not Counting

    1. A google search of "patio garden" or "container gardening" brings up a bunch of tips and tricks for growing veggies and herbs in pots! It is fun to have a little garden right outside!

  2. That's my plan for this weekend!! Plant some flowers, some herbs, and maybe some veggies. Last year we had oregano and basil and it was great.

    1. My favorite is oregano and I love having fresh mint too! It is fun to have fresh herbs on the patio.

  3. This is fantastic! I wish we had an outdoor space for planting herbs and I'm a bit novice for indoor/windowsill plants just yet. Let me know how this goes!

    1. My mom always has good luck with windowsill herbs! I say you should give it a try.

  4. Your beverage tub turned out so well! I think I'm going to try to find something similar this weekend that I can upcycle! Can't wait to see how everything turns out mid-summer!

    1. Thanks!! It is such a fun colorful tub on the patio. Thanks for the help - how are the seeds going? I need to get mine started.

  5. Replies
    1. There's one little guy already growing! So I'm hoping that I'll have extras to share :)

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