Tuesday, May 27, 2014

101 in 1001 Progress Report no. 2

I hope everyone had a lovely Memorial Day Weekend! We had amazing weather here in Chicago to help us run the Soldier Field 10 Miler in under 2 hours on Saturday morning, host our families for pizza and beers and wine on Saturday night, brunch, visit the driving range, visit family and visit friends on Sunday and again driving range and shopping on Monday! It was an awesome weekend for kicking off summer!

Just over a year ago (May 2, 2013) my 101 in 1001 list launched. So far I've only completed 18 of the 101 so I've got some work to do in these next 18 months!!

Since the last update here's what I've done.

7. Commission a piece of art - I asked Sara to paint a piece like this one for me to give to a coworker on my last day.

18. Attend a blog conference - I went to Go Blog Social in April and it was amazing!!

25. Develop a social media strategy - everyone has the days when it doesn't work but I've got a plan and I make sure that each post is pinned, tweeted and newsfeeded and I am working on my instagram strategy too.

33. Meet 3 bloggers from different cities - first one is Tomissa from She Loved Life

39. Get a plant and keep it alive for 3 months - Not only did I plant a whole garden with Lindsay of The Garden Apt. she also gave me a succulent for my birthday and that thing is going strong (and even growing!)

77. Get a new job - Technically I've done this twice now, one new job since starting the list which I left when I started Erin Marie Marketing by Design

82. Learn to use a round brush - again, this one and the blow dry my hair for a whole month is all thanks to getting bangs last December! For the summer I'm growing them out so the round brush skills are particularly useful because I need to get them to sweep to one side.

image via Homestead Seattle on tumblr


  1. I love lists like this! I'm working on a 27 by 27 and have less than 2 months before time is up!

    1. That's so fun though! I have the problem that I want to try more things and I have to remember to check things off my list too. Good Luck with yours! I can't wait to read recaps!

  2. Way to go! I'm working on finishing up my 30 by 30 list, I'm going to start on my Birthday in August and I'll have two years to finish it!

    1. That's how mine started... 1001 days from my 30th birthday! It is a fun little way to spend the last few years of our twenties ;)

  3. Thanks for adding me to the list -- glad I could help cross a portion of one of your goals off of your list!

    1. Thanks for coming to Chicago to visit!! It was lovely to meet you and chat in person. Hopefully you'll be a Chicago blogger yourself soon!


I love to hear from you! Leave me a comment here or on Facebook or Tweet me @ebdaily - - - talk soon!

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