Wednesday, April 2, 2014

DIY Spa Day with West Elm

Last week a new blogging friend of mine Jalpa of Samosa Pop came over to do DIY Beauty Masks. A quick search on Pinterest lead me to a ton of different options but I settled on one that had just two ingredients... Lemon and Egg White for a quick way to freshen up dull winter skin. I also made a sugar scrub which makes your hands and feet feel incredibly smooth!

When I think of a spa I think of calming blues, fresh yellows and clean whites. Luckily, this spring West Elm has a series of pieces that fit the aesthetic perfectly. Their Modernist and Tile Bowls come in shades of blue and yellow and their Enamel Measuring Cups and Spoons are a clean and classic white! 

DIY Lemon & Egg White Beauty Mask

  • 1 Egg White
  • Juice of 1/2 a lemon
  • whisk
  • brush for easy application
In a bowl whisk the egg white until light and fluffy then whisk in the lemon juice. Use the applicator brush to coat your face with an even layer of the mask. After a minute it will begin to harden. Leave on for about 15 minutes and then rinse off with warm water.

DIY Lemon & Sugar Scrub
  • 1/3 c sunflower or extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 1/2 c white sugar
  • 2 tbsp lemon juice
  • zest from 1 lemon
Mix the oil and sugar in a bowl  until all the oil is absorbed. Mix in the lemon juice and zest. Apply a spoonful to each hand and/or foot and massage the scrub around and rinse with warm water.

Jalpa did a honey and lemon mask and you can get the details on her site via this link:

Thank you to West Elm for lending the bowls, measuring cups and spoons and towels for our shoot. And thank you to Jalpa for taking the pictures as I prepped the Lemon & Egg White Mask.

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