Thursday, February 27, 2014

state of affairs

At the moment, I'm simply feeling uninspired, and frankly, kind of gloomy.  I know everyone has days like this and I don't want to put myself through the ringer to come up with some wildly positive and peppy post today.  

February has been an interesting month.  There have been a lot of positives and some negatives. Life always has ups and downs. Today, is a down day. 

I'm going to go and pump myself full of caffeine and hope that it has the desired effect.  By the time I get to Fur and Ice tonight I promise I'll be in a better mood!

image via pinterest


  1. I've been in that same boat, lady. Let me know if there is anything we can do together to cheer ourselves up!

    1. Thanks girl! Mama said there'd be days like this right?

  2. Sending you plenty of good vibes. Also, eat a banana. Bananas have weird magical effects on me (and people I suppose). They calm my nerves, pep me up, etc.

    Keep on keepin' on, girl. You are a star!

    1. hm interesting thanks for the tip! I'll head down and pay $4 for one! Why is our cafeteria SO expensive?!

  3. Go buy yourself a new lipstick and feel better! It's Friday! :)


    1. love that idea! good thing my office (for now) is on Michigan Ave ;] Happy Friday to you too!!


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