Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Color Me Styled - Resolution Check In #9

image via Pinterest
Another month has come and gone and this was by far my busiest month yet.  Things at work have picked up and I'm managing a full load of accounts.  I was involved in several blogging events and had a full social calendar too! 

It isn't a bad thing to have so much going on but it does make it trickier to stick to your guns for diet, exercise, and budgets.  So September didn't go as well as previous months.

I was tempted by, and caved to, several purchases this month (one, two, and three tops from Loft, one and two phone cases for my new iPhone, oh, and, the iPhone itself) which threw the budget kind of into chaos.  I also mentioned that full social calendar which inevitably leads to extra rounds "on us" and meals out on the town.  I'm not unhappy by any means but we do have to readjust for the next month.

I was able to drop the LBs that I put on over Labor Day Weekend while on vacation but I haven't made progress past that.  It is frustrating that it takes so much dedication and constant vigilance to see results but that is just what it takes.  I need to find a way to stick to what works when everything else in life is busy. 

My blogging exposure had a big month.  I started things off the first week of September hosting a DIY event at Langford Market.  I attended an Everygirl event at Bloomingdales and while there planned a happy hour with Kit of The Kittchen.  I also learned how to make cocktails with a group of gals with Femme du Coupe (hosted by Ashley of Hop Skip and a Jump, with Sarah of Project Soiree, Erin of Loop Looks, Nicole of Cedar and Rush, and Rachel of An Eventful Life).  I got to meet so many new bloggers at the happy hour and got to know my gal pals better at each event.  It was a lot of fun all month long!

My mini-resolutions did OK.  I wore my hair up a lot, which I'm attributing to my busy schedule but I plan to get another haircut soon which makes top knots less easy.  That's the only way I can make myself "do" my hair every day.  I have been washing my face and taking off make-up most nights which has helped to keep my skin clear.  We've done better about TV except on Sundays when we've binged on sports and Pretty Little Liars episodes.  By the way, I'm 400% hooked on this show.

October has, at this point, a slower social calendar so hopefully I can focus more on diet and exercise while keeping up on my networking.  I can hardly believe October is starting and that it is almost the holidays!  This year has been a good one but it has flown by.

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