Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Color Me Styled - Resolution Check In #8

Well, August has wrapped up and I hope you had a delightful long weekend. It is time to check in on those New Years Resolutions. 

We are doing well with our finances. It was an average month. September will be another low key month with less travel which helps the old bank account. 

I've maintained my weight. As usual I've got a great plan in place for the month ahead; more morning yoga, more evening gym sessions, and less bad food and booze. 

Blog promotion is going well too! Work I put in a few months ago is starting to pay off. I'm excited for a few things coming up this month (including tomorrow's event with Langford Market... find out more here!). 

Mini resolutions are going well. I've been drying my hair, taking off my make-up, and getting the house tidy before bed. The little things go a long way.

I'm excited for fall fashions, football weather, and pumpkin everything! Yay September! 

Image via Pinterest

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