Thursday, September 5, 2013

Color Me Domestic - Smashing Peas

Inspiration comes in some strange places.  While I was paging through a recent Real Simple magazine I found a whole article on sandwiches.  I love sandwiches, but I don't make them very often.

So when it came time to make dinner this week one sandwich in particular stood out and so we incorporated the flavors into a quinoa bowl.  I say "we" because I found the recipe but D cooked it from top to bottom.  He did a fantastic job. 

Turkey, Smashed Peas, and Pesto Quinoa Bowl (Adapted from Real Simple)
1/2 lb of ground turkey
1/4 red onion, thinly sliced
2 tbsp white wine vinegar
10 oz frozen peas
2 tbsp butter
salt, pepper
1/4 cup pesto

Cook quinoa according to package instructions.  Cook ground turkey in a skillet, breaking it up with a wooden spoon. 

Toss thinly sliced red onion in the 2 tbsp of white wine vinegar and set aside.

Cook the frozen peas in 2 tbsp of butter with a pinch of salt and pepper in medium heat until headed through, about 5 to 7 minutes.  Once they're cooked smash the peas.  You can use a fork which will work fine but the most effective tool was actually the muddler!

Once peas are smashed, mix them with the onions and add the pesto and cooked turkey.  Mix them all together with the quinoa and serve.

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