Thursday, September 26, 2013

Color Me Domestic - Fall Cleaning

image via Pinterest

I've got big plans for the weekend.  Big cleaning plans.  Just like Spring cleaning fall cleaning is important.  It is time to shake out your sweaters, push the tank tops to the back of the drawers, and pack the flip flops away until next year.

Starting things off on Saturday morning with chai teas and then rolling right into the purging process.  Our pantry hasn't been visited in months so it'll be great to go back through and pitch things.  Once the food has been cleaned out, we'll make our way to the closets.  It'll be time to look through the things I haven't worn all summer and set them aside either for swap parties or for online selling apps like Poshmark

Once we've been through the closets and drawers it'll be time to go through the bathroom cabinets.  Then we'll tackle the kitchen cabinets and take a look in the freezer.  There is definitely chili in there from last season... whoops.

Finally it'll be time to actually clean.  Like, deep, thorough cleaning.  We're going to scrub the floors, dust from top to bottom and even clean our windows.

It will be a lot of hard work but it will pay off and it will set us up for hibernation in a few months!

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