Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Color Me Merrier - All the Small Things

image via Pinterest
Somedays it is necessary to slow down and look for the small things. Stopping to see clouds floating above in your cup of coffee? That's a small moment to treasure.

Today is going to be a small things day for me. I need to tidy up a few different areas of my desk, the bathroom, my closet and the living room. It isn't fun stuff to get done but I know it'll all pay off and I'll feel much better by the end of the day if I can get all the piles tidied.

My plan of action is to throw on tunes (Passion Pit Pandora?) and jam my way from area to area. First I'll start a load of laundry. Second, I'll put things away, not totally reorganizing, just putting things where they belong. Finally I'll start in the bathroom and move to the kitchen with a swiffer, lysol wipes, and windex. Again, not the most thorough cleaning but just enough to spruce things up.

I'm not looking forward to it, but I know I'll feel so fantastic once it is done!   

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