Friday, July 26, 2013

Color Me Styled - Personal Style Posts Ahead

Image via Penny Pincher Fashion

 An item on my list is to do personal style posts where I actually feature ME and what I wore. I've done one and it will be posted in the next few weeks.

But I have some learning to do with the posing! So I was glad to find the following article from Not So Lonely Londoners.

How to pose like a fashion blogger.

in order to be different one must always be different
The above phrase is quoted in the Twitter bios of (approximately) a million fashion bloggers. I’ve seen the words so many times that they’ve practically lost all meaning, but they still cause me to roll my eyes as much as when teenage boys think that liking Fight Club makes them underground or that going on 4chan that one time means that they’re a member of Anonymous.
In itself, the sentiment is admirable – pushing the boundaries and being true to one’s values is the best way to live. EXCEPT that there is a subset of mediocre fashion bloggers out there who post such similar content, right down to the typos, that I actually get them confused in my head (no, I’m not going to name names – I’m not a total bitch). It doesn’t help that a ton of blogs use the same WordPress themes, rip content from the same press releases and review the same ‘Glossybox haul’ (can we abolish this phrase from existence yet?) every month.
A friend recently asked me for advice on starting a blog, and as well as warning them about all of the above stuff I joked about all the acceptable ways for them to take pictures of themselves. They told me I was being pretty funny, and that was all the encouragement I needed to spend a Sunday morning taking stupid photos of myself and writing this post. So, I present to you – the beginner’s guide to posing like a fashion blogger.
The Flamingo
Have you ever tried standing like this? It’s really fucking hard. I can barely fathom how girls can stand like this in heels. Seriously. This is my first attempt at the pose -
If it’s that important to get your shoes in the outfit then, for the love of God, just move the camera further back before you break an ankle. Looks best in front of a brick wall or a gatepost.
Ha! Ha! Read the rest here.


  1. Hhahah!! Absolutely hilarious. I always feel like I would want to do a posing blog post of myself bc I like to think I have pretty good style but it's kinda scary! Can't wait to see what you got though :)

    Dana Ivy - Check out my (Chicago) blog!

  2. It is totally scary and I'm not going to be great for a while... but they always say that practice makes perfect. Well, actually, photoshop makes perfect :)


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