Friday, May 31, 2013

Color Me Styled - Resolution Check In #5

Spring image via D E S I G N L O V E F E S T

Another one bites the dust! I've checked in on my New Year's Resolutions 4 times now (January, February, March and April) and it is really an interesting exercise going back and reading my successes and areas of opportunity over the months. It is interesting to see what habits I have changed, and more often, which ones I have not.

First resolution to lose weight. I am down 2 pounds for the month. Still have not broken 160 which is a big mental step for me. I have been writing about my weight loss journey every week on Daily E with the original goal of weighing 130 by today. Well, I'm far off of that goal but I have lost about 7 pounds over the last 9 months. It isn't much considering I set out to lose a pound a week but I am glad to have lost the weight I did. I am going to continue to blog on Daily E about my ups and down with the scale. I'm trying to come up with a name for the series. (For all you Arrested Development fans I'm considering Operation Hot Mother)

Again for finances we are doing well. I did some extra shopping this month but we didn't have a large trip or big travel purchases to make this month which kept us at a more even balance. Eating at home, shopping sales and really asking if an item is necessary has helped both Danny and I spend smarter.

Third resolution is to blog better. I have asked several bloggers to write guest posts for me. They've answered the question "How would you Style Your Summer?" and their responses are not only wonderful but they'll allow me to take a hiatus. But what am I going to do with my time off, I'm going to blog! I am going to use the two weeks to get ahead on content, properly edit pictures and plan out a few different features. 

My mini-resolutions have all fallen off the track. I set out to remove my make-up / wash my face every night, blow-dry my hair more often, get the house back to set before leaving for work and before bed and reading more before bed. In May I did each of these things one time. Not great. But June starts tomorrow and I want to re-commit to these small life improvements.

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