Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Color Me Thrifty - Shop Off Season

Image via Pinterest

It might seem silly coming from a blogger who has confessed to having limited closet space but I highly recommend stocking up in the off season.

What does this mean? Simple... buy winter clothes in the spring and early summer and summer clothes in the fall and early winter.

Trends do not evolve that quickly, plus we get to see the Spring runways in September so we get a hint. It is a perfect time to stock up on basics. Tshirts, shorts and sandals when shopping for summer gear and sweaters, wool pants and boots for winter gear.

Deals will be slightly better in stores than online because they need to move that product off their shelves to make room for the new stuff. My favorite is to visit a store on a week night and chat with the shopgirl while browsing. It has resulted in an additional 10% or more off my purchase.

But online retailers often offer upwards of 30% off sale items every so often. Just check your favorite stores or sign up for their email notifications.

I'm technically all stocked up on clothing (it won't stop me from shopping but I don't need to buy things) but I will need new riding boots and a new puffer coat for next winter. It can't hurt to look around!

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