Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Color Me Organized - Quick Chores

Pop-up Sponges - image via Williams-Sonoma

Yesterday I worked from home and I'm lucky to have a job and a boss that are flexible. I had a lovely day.

I've never been one to clean. Ever. I wait until the last possible minute to get things tidy and even still I'll end up with closets full of odds and ends. Maybe I've been watching too much Downton Abbey or maybe I'm just finding the satisfaction in a clean house but yesterday between tasks I did a fair amount of cleaning and I enjoyed it!

Things started in the kitchen where every surface seemed to be cluttered. I started by moving the contents of one counter top to another. The first countertop got wiped down, booze from the brunch went back to it's place on the shelf and the clementine oranges were put out in a bowl.

Then I tackled the second countertop (our island). Papers got sorted and recycled, flowers got trimmed and rearranged and again, it got a good once over.

Laundry was done, dishes were washed and bathroom things were put away.
I felt accomplished!

It took some time and energy but doing it in little laptop break spurts made it easy to tackle. We have a small space so any clutter seems to be 4 times larger than it really is. But we've created spaces for each thing, have a lot of baskets and trays for collecting odds and ends and keep our (very full) closet doors closed.

And I'm learning that a little bit every day goes a long way!

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