Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Color Me Domestic - Spanish Breakfast Brussels Sprouts

I learned three things last night. One, this little vegetable is technically called Brussels Sprouts (Brussels being plural and capitalized). Two they're outrageously easy to prepare. Three, they are delicious.

I have eaten them at restaurants but haven't prepared them at home. I consulted my sister-in-law Katie for her recipe and it is easy enough to text it.

Since I was fairly confident Danny hadn't had them before I wanted to serve them with foods I knew he'd like that had strong flavors. I chose chorizo sausage and eggs (we have several left over from brunch ingredients).

The verdict? Danny wants this meal every night and told me to save it for the menu of every restaurant I open in the future.

Spanish Breakfast Brussels Sprouts (serves two with no left-overs)
2 cups Brussels Sprouts (trimmed and quartered)
1 tbsp olive oil
Salt & Pepper
1/2 a lemon
1/3 lb bulk chorizo sausage (or about half of a packaged sausage)
eggs (1-2 per person)

Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Rinse the Brussels Sprouts, trim and quarter them and toss them in olive oil and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Place in a roasting pan and roast, tossing occasionally for 20-25 minutes.

Meanwhile cook the chorizo sausage breaking it into small pieces. Chorizo is a spicy red color so to tell it is done you'd need to break apart a piece or two to check. It is pork based so the meat should be totally white. It will take about 15 minutes on medium heat.

Remove the Brussels Sprouts from the oven and toss with juice of half a lemon. The chorizo should be finished now so toss it with the Brussels Sprouts and place back into the oven with the temperature off to keep them warm. 

Cook one or two eggs per person over easy to medium in the same pan used to brown the chorizo. If you are comfortable poaching eggs that is another tasty option.

To serve dish out the Brussels Sprouts and chorizo into bowls and top with the egg. Mix up the egg with the veggies and sausage and enjoy!

The dish can easily be served for breakfast or for everyone's favorite "Brinner" (Breakfast for Dinner). Or lunch! It is that good.

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