Monday, December 17, 2012

Color Me Organized - Twas the week before Christmas...

Even though I have been mentally preparing for Christmas since October it has still snuck up on me and I am feeling the Christmas Rush this week! Yesterday while sitting at the Reno airport I made a full schedule for the week ahead to make sure every box is checked and stress levels remain low. 

Danny and I in Tahoe at Heavenly this weekend! Totally the opposite of stressed by the way.

Sunday Night (last night... you're not too far behind if you haven't completed this yet):
 - Grocery shop for whole week
 - Address all Christmas Cards, stuff and stamp the envelopes

 - Mail Christmas Cards (get these out by Tuesday at noon at the latest if you want them delivered before Christmas Day)
 - Hair Removal Appointment with Daniela - spruce up for all those holiday photos!
 - Wrap all Christmas Gifts

 - Grocery / Supply shopping for Cookie Exchange Party (on Thursday)
 - Clean house from top to bottom for Cookie Exchange Party 
 - Make and chill dough for cookie cut outs

 - Make cookie cut outs for Cookie Exchange Party
 - Prep appetizers for party
 - Reclean / wipe down parts of house that need it (kitchen and bathroom)

 - Host 2nd Annual Cookie Exchange Party

 - Put feet up by the fire
 - Enjoy hot chocolate out of this year's Chriskindle Market mugs

Saturday & Sunday:
 - Dentist appointment (eww, what? yeah, we scheduled them for Saturday)
 - Complete any last minute shopping (But have a plan... stores will be a total zoo. Know exactly what you're buying, where it should be in the store and part near the exits.)
 - Christmas Cocktails with Sue, John, Katie and Ben (Danny's side of the family)
 - Christmas Dinner and Gift Giving with Sue, John, Katie and Ben (Katie is making her first turkey!)

 - Over the river and through the woods... celebrating with everyone on my side (there are literally 26 people)
 - Jamming out to the 24 hour, commercial free, Christmas music offerings
 - Getting to bed early so Santa Claus can make his way down the chimney!

And in just a quick 7 days we'll be waking up for Christmas Day and celebrating with our closest family and friends. The posts I have linked up for the next week should fill you with cheer! I'm making more recipes than you can shake a whisk at (cookies, appetizers and cocktails), gift ideas for the guy in your life and holiday style inspiration!

I hope you have a wonderful week, remember to stay calm and get plenty of sleep. Nothing says "I Over Did It" like giant bags under your eyes!

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