Friday, December 7, 2012

Color Me Bonita - Acne Series - Work Stress Part 2

Daniela is back today with her Part 2 of the Acne Series - How can I stress less about work? Yesterday she shared her background and her experiences as a small business owner... today, how to battle some of that stress!

How can I stress less about work ?  Part 2

When I was in beauty school, we were told, “Treat the salon you’re working for as though it were your own.”  I’m not the only one who got bit in the b-hind for following that advice.  Treating the business you work for, that doesn’t belong to you, as though it were your own is a recipe for two disasters; arguments with owners and managers who don’t know as much as you, and stress you end up wearing because you simply care too much.

The sad fact of today’s economy is that the 90%-, 100%- and 110%-giving employees cost the same in salary.  Given the job market, the 110% giving employee will be given the work of a just laid off 90% giving employee with no additional salary, while another 90% giving employee gets a promotion and becomes a VP.  What happens when you try to prove yourself to an under-qualified VP?

Here is what I tell my clients: You must give 100%.  No more, no less.  Always remember, the company doesn’t belong to you.  There’s simply no need to care that much when it’s not your name above the front door.  It’s great that you want to give your all, prove yourself, care a great deal about the work that has your name stamped on it.  But when all is said and done - it’s just a paycheck.  It’s that simple. 

There should only be two reasons for working your butt off.  1) compensatory salary and 2) augmentation of your resume.  If you don’t benefit from your hard work by salary or resume, it’s time to either move on, or emotionally distance yourself from the company you work for entirely.

Next – Corporate Acne?

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