Thursday, October 11, 2012

Color Me Crafty - Floating Frame Accent Wall

Living in Chicago rental units can drive a design fan crazy. All day I see these amazingly designed homes on Pinterest or on a variety of blogs and then come home to my apartment and want to re-do everything. So when friends of mine move I am eager to see how they design their new spaces.

To be budget, and lease, friendly. Katie put together this great DIY project for her new walls.

It was as simple as finding wooden or plastic frames from the bargain bins at the dollar store or the craft store. You can have as many as you like! Then select acrylic paint colors that fit the decor you already have in your room. Depending on the number of frames you can use 1-5 colors as long as it doesn't get too Rainbow Brite! Use foam brushes because they're easiest to work with on a variety of surfaces. 

Then there is no great science to a frame collage. These were hung without their glass on the wall using two nails on the inside of each corner. Check the leveling... iPhones have an app for that. Or if you're old school like me... just use a level! 

The best part is that you can start small with this project, live with it for a few days and if you decide you need more frames they're easy to add!

And, you can easily change up the location of the frames whenever you want for a bit of a change. On Katie's wall right now, none of the same color frames are next to each other... a new layout would be to group them all together by color or size!

1 comment:

  1. if you cannot use nails - try the velcro type picture hangers that are removable and leave no marks - I have been using them for years!


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