Friday, October 12, 2012

Color Me Styled - Blogging Horoscope

ifb - International Fashion Bloggers - recently posted Blogging Horoscopes or, what your sign says about your blog. 

I've always been interested in horoscopes because I've always found truth in them. Not necessarily the predictions, but the personality traits. I believe them to be 100% on point... okay, like 87%. I don't read my horoscope very often but they're fun to read in some of the fashion magazines and on your birthday. 

Here's some not so subtle humble-bragging about me based on my sign. I am humane, frank, serious minded, refined, idealistic but with a sensible practicality. I am quick, active and express myself with reason, moderation and usually, a dry humor. I am intelligent, concise, clear and logical. I have incredible taste and high standards and only want the classiest of things.

So as an Aquarius, here is what I will do best for you on Color Me Styled.

Description: You want to understand life’s mysteries and will do anything to be unique and original. You are a born leader and a trendsetter, and often times march to the beat of a different drum — which can sometimes come off as, dare I say it, crazy. But sometimes crazy is a good thing, it can lead to innovation!

What you should probably blog about: Discovering new designers, forecasting trends

With this in mind I'll begin to bring you more new designers (hello Etsy shops!), new blogs and new pinterest nuggets and help you navigate the Runway trends! Hint: right now you should be wearing green (anything but lime) and oxblood red. But not together. It isn't Christmas just yet.

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