Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Color Me Styled - Resolution Check in #11

Well November has now come and gone and it was a long but a quick month.  Although Halloween does feel like ages ago. 

It is time to check in on my 2013 Resolutions even though 2013 is nearing an end. 

My first resolution for 2013 was to lose weight.  I had some good success in November and it was a direct result of working out and a better diet (hashtag, go figure).  On Thanksgiving, instead of just waking up and starting to eat and drink we ran a 5k and I finished under 40 minutes!  It is a great baseline for the 10 mile race I've signed up for in May!

The second resolution is to get a hold on household finances and we did well in November.  Christmas is always a tempting time so it is going to take discipline and control to close out the year well.

My third resolution was to be more professional about blogging and to engage in near-shameless self promotion.  In November I co-hosted another happy hour, hosted a DIY night at Langford Market, and am part of the team which has founded the Windy City Blogger Collective.  I've been better about writing posts ahead of time but I'm not scheduling content as far ahead as I'd like to be.  But I am proud of the content I am putting up and I hope you like it too!

My final resolution is career driven and I made a lot of progress over the course of 2013, and especially in the last 2 months to learn more about what my best skills are and which roles will be best suited for me in the future.  

My mini resolutions are probably in the need of the most attention.  My dresser top is a mess which means I haven't gotten back to "set" in a while, I've been good about washing my face but not perfect, but my hair has definitely gone into a bun more than it has been dried. With just one more month to go in 2013, I have already started to think about 2014 and what my resolutions will be!

Holiday Cocktail Image via Pinterest

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