Thursday, June 27, 2013

Color Me Cultured - Tokens of Thanks

My blogging break went really well and I couldn't have done it without the guest posts from my Chicago Blogger gal pals. I gushed thanks on twitter and via email but I wanted to do something a little extra and give a token of thanks. (hashtag humblebrag)

I've found that in this day and age of email, texts, tweets, status updates a true thank you involves a gesture or a token. There needs to be a little something extra to really demonstrate your gratitude. I know I always appreciate a handwritten note, a bottle of wine or cookies!

So I set out to find a special extra way to thank my guest posters. I had found glittery letters when I was visiting Monograham in Delafield, Wisconsin and knew they would make the perfect tokens. I was able to call and order the letters over the phone so I shopped local from my desk in Chicago and then had my sister do the leg work and pick them up for me. It worked swimmingly.

Then during my work hiatus last week (I started a new job Monday) I cranked out the thank you cards and stuffed them with each girl's initial. I imagine they'll find their way to bulletin boards or vanity trays!

It took a little extra time, a little extra money but worth the little extra happiness that I hope it brought to my darling blogger friends!


  1. Very sweet of you! Just started reading your blog not too long ago and I must say, your guests did a great job filling your place!

    Dana Ivy - Check out my (Chicago) blog =)

  2. Thank you for reading Dana! Welcome :) your blog is adorable and I love your sidebar description. I have an affinity for minty things too (both flavor and the color). My fave summer drink is a Venti Iced Americano with one pump of peppermint. Try it. You'll be hooked.


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