Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Color Me Styled - Resolution Check in #3

So I'm a couple days late on this because I was so focused on my hair at the end of last month... It looks good BTW, I'll have some new pictures up soon.
It is time to check in. 

I did loose some weight although not as consistently as I'd like. I really just need to buckle down and be tough on myself for the next 2 months.

Finances are going well. We cut back in entertainment last month but moved that cash bucket towards travel plans and other expenses. I've been on the hunt for new pieces for our home and have been patient and found a good deal or two. Spray paint is the new name of my game.

I finalized some clean up on the blog design and am happy with them both. I'm sure I'll be adding more down the road but I'm happy with the framework that is there. Now I'm moving on to shameless promotion goals. In April I'm going to focus on blogging in blocks (not succeeding just yet) and scheduling social media blasts about posts. I'm going to get those business cards circulating, work with other bloggers and try to collaborate with local boutiques.

I had made some progress on the professional front but was thwarted by an old school system that wasn't ready for change. It is more than frustrating to come so close and then be shut down. But I learned quite a lit and I've made good connections through the experience so onward and upward!

I again faltered on my mini-resolutions (washing off make-up, drying hair before work, getting back to set and reading before bed). As the sun is up later I have to adjust my night time schedule. I'm still so used to the sun going down by 6 that I think I have all this time left before bed and all of a sudden it is 11 and that is too late for me on a normal night. Routine is my goal for April, establish a nightly routine that isn't 3 hours long so if I do go out or have an event the whole evening isn't off track.

And, Mother Nature, I'd gladly take April Showers if they were accompanied by 50+ degree temperatures... no more of this 30s business okay?

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