Thursday, February 28, 2013

Color Me Styled - Resolution Check in #2

February Florals | image via Katy Elliott

Well since it is just a normal, boring, non leap year the month of February is at an end and it is time to Check In again on my Resolutions!

My first personal resolution to loose weight is going so-so. I do well every other week it seems. As long as this stays the pattern I can plan for it and adjust my expectations. I did resolve to move more this month and I didn't exercise as much as I should have but I did more than January. I plan to continue to improve my movement amounts as I head into March.

The second resolution is to get household finances in order. We were a bit over budget but we learned from the areas where we went over and have adjusted it going forward. I filed our taxes last night so technically I got that done as planned. (Just in the nick of time)

My blogging resolution through February has been to finalize the design for the blogs. While I admit now that they'll never be truly finished I am very happy of the layouts on both Color Me Styled and Daily E. I will continue to learn new tricks and will make updates as I fancy.

I also resolved to put energy into my career path. I didn't officially schedule any coffee dates but I did love the networking opportunity the Chicago Blogger Network Oscar Party provided. A lot of thought has gone into different options and in March I resolve to move outside my comfort zone and meet people in the industries I am interested in and pick their brains.

The mini-resolutions I undertook (washing off makeup, drying hair more, getting back to set and reading before bed) have only slipped a little. I'd say one more month of getting these things done daily and they'll be lifelong habits!

February was full of friends, family and celebrations. March will bring more of the same and hopefully consistently warmer weather!


  1. Good job on your resolutions! I also didn't do as well on mine in February as I did in January. But at least we're still thinking about them, right? Most people have quit and forgotten about their New Years resolutions by now...

  2. Agreed and good job! I've already had a better March than February and don't see any reason why this month can't be as successful, if not more, as January!


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