Thursday, February 7, 2013

Color Me Crafty - New Love for Valentines

Chews to Love - Image via IHOD

I'm not sure when exactly I fell out of love with Valentine's Day. I never had a traumatic dating experience that has scared me for life (or it scared me so bad my mind blocks it) and I've never been outright bitter towards the day. 

Maybe I just think that too much significance and pressure is put on this one holiday dedicated to love and affection. 

At any rate, I am starting to change my mind towards February 14th. And most of the credit goes to Pinterest and the delightful DIYs I've found there!

The first is the Chews to Love by Anna at In Honor of Design. She has these darling printable wrappers that just get glued to trident brand gum packages. So easy, so affordable! 

Matchbox Valentines - Image via Camille Styles

The second is another simple print and glue project for Matchboxes from Camille Styles. These would be a great gift to give out at the office since matches maybe are not the best for grade schoolers.

You Rule Valentines - image via Thompson and Spring

Finally these You rule Valentines by Thompson and Spring are completely adorable. They seem easy enough to assemble too!

What are your plans for Valentine's Day? Danny recently said, ever so frankly; "We're not doing anything for Valentine's Day, right?" Lucky for him I was glad to hear I didn't have to worry about a card and a gift and we will most likely spend the evening at home, in pajamas, watching hockey. 

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