Thursday, January 31, 2013

Color Me Styled - Resolution Check In #1

Perfectly January | image via flickr

Can you believe it is the end of January already?!

With 30 days of 2013 in the books it is time to check in on those resolutions. Statistically, most people have already abandoned their resolutions (it happened by January 22nd). But so far so good for mine!

I've made a slew of resolutions and most I have kept up with and the ones that have slid to the side can easily be recovered if I want to.

For Color Me Styled I resolved to update the design and while I'm still working on it I am happy with the look of the site right now and can see it as the base for the blog's brand. I have another month to focus just on the design and mechanics of the site before I move on to having posts scheduled a week in advance and then move on to shameless self-promotion.

I have several personal resolutions that I have been consistent with and am proud of the new habits I am forming. My first is to shed the last of my college weight in time for my 5 year reunion this June. I'm a couple pounds behind my schedule but only because I gave myself the weekend off for my birthday trip to NYC. 

Secondly I resolved to get control of the household finances. We did really well (again, except for NYC) and we ended the month under our projections. This is a team effort and Danny and I have done it together. Coming up in February I will be filing our taxes and organizing our essential documents.

My third personal goal was about blogging... and I've already mentioned how I am proud with my progress so far. One more month of design updates.

My last stated resolution was to put some energy into my career path and how I want to develop as a professional in the next few years. This one I haven't put a lot towards yet but if you permit my fortune cookie-ness: I see potential for a great development in my future.

Those are all the official resolutions. I have picked up a few habits because it is time to just be a grown-up and do grown-up things. I have removed my makeup every night except one in NYC and have washed my face. I've blow dried my hair at least once a week instead of just throwing it into a bun on my way out the door. I've read from a book instead of going from West Wing episodes on Netflix to bed. And I've made the bed and gotten rooms back to "set" almost every day per the advice from Gretchen Rubin's Happier at Home.

So far 2013 has been fantastic and I am encouraged by a successful January. Bring it on February! I'm ready!!

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