Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Color Me Domestic - Potato Season

What is your favorite dish of Thanksgiving?

Potato Round Up (top left | top right | bottom left | bottom right

I have a difficult time narrowing mine down. I could eat turkey for days as long as there is cranberry of some sort smothered on it. I love green beans in a casserole, sauteed in butter or in a bright, citrus dressing (all of those recipes are coming, I promise). But I think what I come back to over and over is potatoes. I love potatoes and aside from fries don't eat them that often.

So I'm not surprised when my recent pins have included potatoes of several varieties. Mashed, scalloped and baked. Sweet and Yukon Gold. 

Luckily this year I have at least two Thanksgiving celebrations to try these recipes. And, again, as I do, I'll put them up. I have been cooking lately but they're classic recipes that I've featured before! If only you knew how often I actually eat the Asian Turkey Meatballs.

(side note: it isn't too sophisticated but it is my first official Photoshop creation. I am excited to continue learning and creating new fancy stuff for the blog!)


  1. Yay for learning photoshop! Are you teaching yourself?

  2. Yes, I have a Photoshop Elements for Dummies book that I am trying to be good about reading it but mostly I just play round and go "OH!! YAY! I got it!" every 48 minutes or so.


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