Friday, August 31, 2012

Color Me Styled - My Ideal Day

Would you know a great day if you saw one?

I have no regrets. (found here)
Well… would ya?

This very question was posed by a blogger friend of mine and it got me thinking of what my ideal day would be. It got Danny thinking too and he just kept offering up other awesome things that I wanted to include. I’m trying to get him to write one of his own.

But here is, at this point in my life, an ideal day in the life of EB.

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Wake up – around dawn – well rested, because I went to bed early not because I slept in. It is early fall and there is a crisp in the air that I can feel since our windows have been open all night. And, the sheets were clean when we went to bed (nothing is better than the first night in clean sheets!). I slowly roll out of bed without waking Danny. I take a shower, including a leg shaving with shaving cream, followed by a professional blow dry in my own house (read: I’m in a plushy robe and slippers).

Via Erin on Pinterest

Breakfast is an iced coffee, fresh fruit and some pastry concoction from the local bakery out on our patio while I browse my Google Reader. Danny is beside me reading whatever his ideal reading material is and also enjoying a coffee (he got up, showered and got the coffees during my blow dry).  Paul Simon Pandora or Beaumont for Kate Spade is on dimly in the background.
After breakfast and reader reading I get dressed in some American-chic but comfortable outfit (read: flats).

From Inslee

Mid morning I take a few phone calls for my brand consulting firm or my design company or my fashion editor job in my home office. 

For lunch I meet a few girl friends for sushi and since we are all successful enough, we can share a glass of wine. We discuss news, celebrity and otherwise, our families and our jobs.

In the afternoon I do some work as needed, but I do it while walking around and window shopping. And, if I find just the right dress or handbag I pick it up. I stop in at the coffee shop again for a pick me up and sit down near the window and read for a while.

I head home for a snack of fresh fruit and, let’s face it, a cookie or two and change for the gym. I spend a great hour with my trainer and finish with a good cardio session because it feels so good to exert myself!

At home it is time for another shower and blow dry. This time instead of coffee I have a glass of sparkling rose (or one of these) with me and I am able to get in a few quick phone calls with my parents or friends who are far away. I put on a nice but not too fancy dress with comfortable pumps for dinner. Dinner is out, at a restaurant we’ve been to before but we know is delicious. Danny and I discuss our days, our jobs, our families and our future. We walk home and maybe stop for a twirl or two since we are so carefree.

Once home it is PJ time and we snuggle in for a movie or TV show marathon. We are on a sofa that swallows you up and are bundled up in blankets.
After the movie we head to bed and have sweet dreams about life as it is, since it is already an ideal day.

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Not too shabby huh? It was a lot of fun to do this. I think I'll come back to it every so often! Danny asked where I was for this ideal day and I think it is either New York City or Jackson Hole. I did picture a lot of it here in Chicago too which is why I didn't focus on the location too much.

As we head into this long weekend try to imagine your own ideal day and maybe you'll get the chance to do some of it! And, go ahead and read Jason Womack's book for more inspiration.

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1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness! This sounds PRETTY STINKING IDEAL. I love it. I love it.

    In fact you may have inspired my NEXT ideal day.


I love to hear from you! Leave me a comment here or on Facebook or Tweet me @ebdaily - - - talk soon!

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