Friday, July 27, 2012

Color Me Organized - Moving Day Essentials

Moving can be exciting and symbolizes the ultimate fresh start. But, it can be, without a doubt, extremely stressful. All of us at Color Me Styled have moved several times to and from college, California and Texas in addition to several different Chicago neighborhoods.

All of these combined moves have taught us a thing or two and today, we're sharing them to make your next move as stress free as possible!

Tip#1: Lists are your best friend
You're going to need a few different lists going all at once. The first list is all the boring stuff. Mostly, a list of all the places you need to change your address. Think of your wallet and start there. Driver's License, Credit Cards, Debit Cards, Insurance and of course USPS. Try to get everything changed within a week so you don't have to worry about forgetting anyone!

The second list should be a list of items that you do not want anyone else to move besides you. Vases, art work, stemware, picture frames and electronics. 

The third list (or set of lists) is made as you pack. Each box that is packed gets a Room (Kitchen, Bedroom or Living Room) and a number and whaa-la you've got an inventory of everything and every box before you leave! This makes unpacking a breeze and helps you to keep tabs on movers. If it is easier, make this list in a spreadsheet or word document so it can be saved online for ease of access.

Tip #2: Know your dimensions
A tape measure is a moving gal's best friend! (not including the strapping young men that will help her move) 

After you've signed on your new place, take a pad of paper, pencil and tape measure and record the dimensions of each room. Basically pretend you're competing on HGTV's Next Design Star. Using excel or good old fashioned graphing paper draw out each room and note the scale (6 inches = 1 box is a good start).

Once each room is outlined take another piece of graphing paper or another sheet in your excel spreadsheet and start to draw your furniture. The worst thing would be to move it and then learn it won't fit. 

This also helps you to layout your rooms before anything is moved in. Once you are happy with the layout, tape or trace each item into the room. Now you can tell your movers or the strapping young men from earlier where exactly to put the sofa or your grandmother's dresser the first time!

Tip #3: Pack a first night bag
Depending on your move it could take 3 hours or 12 (or more, eek!) and the last thing you'll want to do no matter how long you've been at it is dig through box after box for your toothbrush!

This is so super easy to solve! Pack a bag or a box or a suitcase with the following items.
  • Personal Care essentials (toothbrush & paste, contacts & solution,  glasses, deodorant, razor)
  • Bathroom essentials (toilet paper)
  • Shower essentials (Shower liner / curtain, towels, shampoo)
  • Cleaning essentials (disinfecting wipes, paper towels, glass cleaner)
  • Moving Day essentials (bottled water, snacks, clean clothes for the next day, box cutter, packing tape, phone charger and advil / tylenol) 

Hopefully this made your moving day much easier! Now, don't hustle to unpack everything, enjoy a brew with your crew and order in from a restaurant in your new hood. Unpacking and organizing can wait until tomorrow.

Got more ideas for us? Leave a comment below or tweet us @ColorMe_Styled with the hashtag #CMOrganized

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