Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Color Me Styled - Resolution Check-in #10

image via Pinterest

So, I've been super duper busy at work and the social calendar hasn't been light either.  Not that I'm complaining but it means I didn't have time to be as thoughtful about my Check-In as usual.
Which is fine, I wasn't very thoughtful of my resolutions over the last month either.
Instead of dwelling on how I didn't make much progress at all in October, I'm looking ahead to November.  I've already completed two actual workouts in the first 5 days, I haven't spent a dime on anything except for food (and drink), and I cleaned out my drawers while watching Hart of Dixie on Netflix.  There's one bag of clothes to go to GoodWill and I plan to tackle the accessories section of my dresser this month too. 
I'm excited for my DIY Night with Langford Market Diversey next week!  Have you RSVPed yet? You should: Facebook Event Details Here

I hope your Novembers have all started out well!  I love this time of year... even the cold weather!

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