Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Color Me Styled - Resolution Check In #6

Image via Pinterest

Holy Moly... 2013 is half over!

But summer just started!

I know, time flies when you're having fun. Or working every day. Or traveling every weekend. Part of me hates these posts because I feel like I sound like a broken record. But there is definitely a moment the last week of every month where I stop myself and ask how I've done. 

Well, I've done alright.

Mini resolutions are actually going pretty well. With the exception of last Monday night (the Blackhawks won the Stanley Cup) I have been going to bed at the same time, not watching TV all night, washing my face before bed (and removing eye make-up with a product designed to do so safely), and I've blow-dried my hair almost every morning before work.

Speaking of work; a resolution that I haven't really mentioned lately was to put time into my career path and actually get out of logistics and back into non-profit development. Well, I've done it. As of last Monday I am a Project Manager with a consulting firm that specializes in institutional management best practices. That's some jargon for the fact that I am back in the sector I want to be in and I am learning from the best in the biz! Plus it is downtown! Pinch me.

My weight slid away from me in June. But I will readily admit that I didn't pay attention to it like I should have. I wasn't exercising consistently, I wasn't tracking food and I was going out or attending celebrations every weekend. It is difficult for a person with self-control to come out ahead with a schedule full of celebrations (holiday cookouts, showers, bachelorettes, reunions) and impossible for someone who can justify the pants off Matt Damon (probably not funny, but if I was given the chance I'd be relentless).

Even though I am not officially doing the "130 by 5/30" on DailyE anymore I am still checking in on Thursdays; Thinner Thursdays. And next year I'll do something like "Fit and Fab Fridays". And when I inevitably have to do this for the rest of my life it'll be "This-is-just-something-I-do-now Mondays". My strategy is to just build activity into my schedule. I will start with yoga every morning, weekends too, then Monday - Friday I'll walk to work (weather permitting) which is 45 minutes each way! Two miles. It is long but I get a lot of good thinking time in. And Lauren suggested I download pod-casts so I'm going to dig out my iPod this weekend and get that set up. My diet is going to be much more consistent. Same foods Monday - Friday and then keeping portions controlled on the weekends. 

Our finances also slid a bit with all the weekend funtivities but the new job has given us a chance to re-visit the budget. We are doing much better than last year but there's still room for improvement. We've learned a lot in the last 6 months about our spending habits and how to plan for the unexpected (hello new air conditioner for the car).

For Blogging, I am in the shameless self promotion phase and I haven't been great about it as of late but I am scheduling posts ahead of time. It is amazing how much better I feel when it is all set up by Sunday night. I am working to get a few weeks ahead (I'm only one week ahead right now) and then I plan to made a few updates to the design again. I plan to add a few elements and update the 101 in 1001 lists for both Color Me Styled and DailyE. I'm figuring out how much I can do with the new job's demands factored in. 

I'm slowly but surely improving myself. Which, I think it sustainable and the right way to build habits. Bring on July!!

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