Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Color Me Styled - Resolution Check in #4

Original image via Pinterest

April has come and gone and it seems like a blur!

I started the month with some travel and a couple parties and then ended the month with some travel so I can see why I felt like it flew by.

And I can also see why my resolution check in is going to be not-so-great this time around. But I have to check in nonetheless.

First resolution was to loose weight, and, yeah, I didn't do so hot in that category. I put on the weight that I had lost on the crash diet in March and I think a lot of it was due to following my diet only 40% of the time. I worked out more on the whole but I ate worse. It has to be both together.

For finances we did what we were supposed to and are on plan. I am SO tempted by online shopping and the lure of new things that I have to constantly remind myself that it is a slippery slope and that I don't really need those items. With summer and warm weather on the horizon I'll want to get new clothing, especially sandals, so I need to start to plan now for what I want to acquire over the next two months.

Blog goals are still in the shameless self promotion phase. I had a stroke of good fortune when I was pictured in Chicago Style Magazine from the Chicago Blogger Network Oscar party at Nellcote. I handed out several business cards and chatted with fellow bloggers. May is my planning month and I am going to put in a lot of effort to publicize myself, collaborate with other bloggers and reach out to brands. I see a lot of emails and tweets in my future.

Professionally I have continued to make strong connections and am working to maintain that network. I have been given an opportunity to lead a project and will be meeting with the team for our first progress session on Friday. I'm not saying no to anything at this point, I have to keep on learning.

Mini resolutions (removing make-up, blow-drying hair, getting back to set and reading before bed) are semi on track. I'm doing well with the hair and getting back to set but removing make-up or reading isn't happening as often. I think I might start removing my make-up as soon as I walk in the door. One less thing to do before bed.

I ended last month's check in with a plea to Mother Nature to stop it with the 30 degree temperatures... she listened. However, instead of spending our warm hint of summer nights out at a bar or restaurant like we would have in the past, both Dan and I have gone for runs this week. It stinks, but feels good.

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