Monday, May 20, 2013

Color Me Merrier - Break-ation: A Staycation from Work

image via Pinterest

Today's project positive is to take a day off.

So, bye.

Just kidding. But only sort of.

I'd like to announce today that I'm going to take a break from daily posting for the first two weeks of June (the 3rd - 1th). Then after that I'm coming back with a 3 day a week schedule. I am doing this in order to provide better content on a regular basis, not just daily content.

The schedule will be for posts to go live on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. there will be Facebook and Twitter posts on those days too but bonus content and behind the scenes photos going up more often.

So I am taking 2 weeks "off" but I'm going to be working on content to go up as soon as I'm back on June 18th. And to help soften the blow I've got guest posts lined up from some of my favorite bloggers! These ladies were more than willing to share how they plan to style their summer with you.

As I work to create the best posts for you I want to know which type of post do you like best? Recipes, decorating, DIY, style advice, beauty advice, sale notices? Is there something you'd like to see here that we're not doing a time of? Fitness, travel, work advice? Leave comments, tell us on Facebook or send us an email so we can give the people what they want!

So for today's Merrier Monday we recommend planning a stay-cation where you still work behind the scenes but let the spotlight fade a bit. There is also a major positive vibe by doing something without recognition. Something as small as cleaning the office coffee pot when no one else is in the kitchen or bigger, like, letting other bloggers take over your space for two weeks!

Don't worry, over the next two weeks I've got awesome daily content planned. There is a salad recipe that is perfect for your memorial day weekend party, a couple of decoration ideas for that same party and what to wear all weekend!

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