Monday, April 8, 2013

Color Me Merrier - Cyber Sabbath

image via Pinterest

Technology is everywhere and it is constant. TVs are smarter, tablets are featherweight and phones are barely used for calling anymore. Information is at our fingertips.

But there are benefits to putting the devices down and stepping back slowly.

After a four-day hike sans tech, according to SELF Magazine, people did 50 percent better on a creativity test. University of Utah researchers say even an hour of nature time yields some benefits if you unplug. AKA you're smarter without a smartphone.

Forbes has compelling reasons to unplug as well. You'll manage stress better, actually get more done, sleep better and just be nicer overall.

If you are new to this idea try just leaving your phone at home while you grocery shop or run other errands. Eventually you'll build up to leaving it on silent in your bedroom for a whole weekend afternoon. 

If you commute via public transit to and from work read instead of obsessively refreshing your twitter feed. (Kindles are acceptable but only just. If it is an internet capable reader try just getting an actual book because you'll be tempted to check other apps). And turn off your iPod, unless a newborn baby is next to you on the train it is not necessary to listen to JT's new album, again.

Try doing a crossword puzzle or soduku. Grab a book of 'em ala Stanley Hudson on The Office at the local drug store or 7-Eleven.

If you drive to and from the office you shouldn't be on your phone anyways... but if you find yourself tempted in stop and go traffic put your phone in your trunk for the drive. You'll be able to access it if you get into a fender bender. 

Also if you drive try listening to NPR instead of the top 40 hits station or even turning the whole radio off and just listen to the sounds of the freeway. The white noise is calming and you'll have time to let your thoughts wander which will make you feel more refreshed by the time you get home.

This week try taking some Cyber Sabbath time and see how you feel! 

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