Monday, March 18, 2013

Color Me Merrier - Treat Yo Self

image via pinterest

Today's quick hit for a punch of positive is to Treat Yo Self by splurging on an every day item.

Often I find myself grabbing the cheapest option for something that I use every day or that is maybe disposable because I don't think the money is worth it. But every time I reach for said item I have a pang of "oh this is so cheap" and regret not getting the better version.

Now budgets don't allow for everything to be the top of the line version but it does allow for one or two. The trick is to pick things that you use every day and will feel like a luxury every time you do.

For me, this is cosmetics or body products. A higher quality mascara makes me feel like I'm getting away with something when I brush on a few layers. Organic body lotion is another. 

But the options are endless. If you make yourself coffee every day, invest in a fancy coffee maker or bean grinder. Or if you love to bake treat yourself to a silicone baking mat or cookie cutters.

The trick is to treat yo self to something that you'll get good use out of and will appreciate the luxuriousness of the item!


  1. I actually just did this! I broke my second french press in less than 6 months, and I decided to splurge on a stainless steel one. Well worth the purchase, and I use it everyday.

    Also, I think treating yourself to a very nice work bag is something that enriches the whole "work" experience. I'm lusting over a black Celine bag, but that's probably not going to happen.

  2. Yes! Treat yo self! And I love the idea of splurging on a work bag. I hadn't thought of that!


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