Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Color Me Styled - My Ideal Day Moments

A few weeks ago I posted about My Ideal Day as part of Jason Womack's Your Best Just Got Better - Share Your Ideal Day campaign.

And, on Sunday morning, I actually lived a few of my Ideal Day moments. Best part was that it happened so naturally and in an unplanned way that I didn't realize it was happening until a few hours into the process.

I wrote about it on Daily E while I also shared that I am adventuring into the world of website coding. I will be experimenting with some new designs and different layouts as I learn new skills. SO, if you like something let me know, if you don't let me know or if something doesn't load or look "right" for you share that too! There are differences depending on the browser, screen size and operating system so I want to make sure it looks beautiful and is easy to read for everyone.

I also am going to develop a "style sheet" dictating the layout, fonts, font sizes and picture dimensions too so as I work through that you might see some changes. Again, tell me what you like and what you don't! (Either via email, twitter, facebook or the comments section below!)

Plus, my friend Liz who designed the header you see above is going to work on a "fall-y" header for us too! I'm excited to get that up in the next few weeks. 

Have a good Wednesday.

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