Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Color Me Bonita - Do you have Dry Skin?

The skin on my face is sooo dry, and you're telling me I don't have dry skin??

Daniela, our skin care expert, is back to explain what is really going on with dry skin. As always it is good advice and she has details on how to get your very own free consultation!!

By the yearly sales of moisturizers in this country alone, youd never know that only 10% of the ENTIRE population of the world actually has genetically dry skin.  What gives?  

At the bottom of almost every pore is a special oil-making factory called a Sebaceous Gland.  Below that theres a receptor thats triggered by testosterone, which tells the gland to gush out oil to be spilled onto the skin's surface as part of its system of protecting your body.  The more oil is produced, the bigger the pores get to accommodate greater oil flow.  So what about too little oil?  You got it, small pores and less lubrication.

People with low oil production tend to have thinner skin, which can become sensitive, but not always. In such a case, moisturizers that replenish lost lipids, in addition to attracting water to the skin, are the order of the day.

Since the majority of people in the world *do* produce enough oil, most who experience dryness have *dehydrated* skin, not DRY skin.  The skin does produce enough oil to be lubricated, but has lost so much water (usually due to improper skin care), the skin's cells act more like deflated balloons than plump, healthy cells.  Biggest hint: truly dry skin is NEVER shiny. 

If you feel like youre oily with dryness, or you feel dry but your skin is not pore-less like a marble statue, your skin is dehydrated, not dry.  Its time to get analyzed.  Email for an Eval by Email to get the lowdown on what you should use for great skin that feels comfortable and healthy.  Mention Color Me Styled and get $5 off your first order of product at

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